1. People to contact during your first 30 days
A list of people that new division managers should meet and connect with.
2. DOM Division Manager contact list
Contact list with each DM’s areas of expertise/interest.
3. Relevant organizational charts and contact information
Organizational chart for DOM, UCSF units, Medical Center departments, services, and contacts.
4. UCSF maps and shuttles
An introduction to the various UCSF campuses and the UCSF shuttle system.
5. IT resources and device encryption
How to reach IT Services for technical support or device encryption.
6. An introduction to Human Resources at UCSF
A brief introduction to HR topics including timekeeping, pre-tax transit program, and benefits & compensation.
7. Purchasing at UCSF: an introduction to BearBuy
An introduction to BearBuy and the various available forms available for purchasing.
8. Reimbursements at UCSF
A brief introduction on how reimbursements are processed at UCSF.
9. Common billing questions and resources
A list of common billing questions and who you should ask to find the answers.
10. Immerse yourself: shadow your physicians
Opportunity for DMs to better understand clinical management and processes.
11. DOM business office orientation
Overview of the funds flows. Setting up Medical Center support agreements and fiscal year-end “true-up” process.
12. DOMBO orientation
- DOMBO PRISM User Guide
- Orientation: The DOM clinical activity reporting tool. Includes list of reports and definition of report data as well as a cheat sheet of important concepts and abbreviations.
13. Description of MGMA and AAMC benchmarks
A brief introduction to wRVUs, MGMA benchmarks, and AAMC Faculty Salary Survey Reports.
14. Fiscal year budget process and PSA wRVU target setting
Required for clinical divisions for the fiscal year budget preparation.
15. List of reports sent from DOM & other web resources
List of reports sent from Revenue Management and the Medical Center.
16. Medical Center Administrative Director (AD) / Practice Manager (PM) vs. Campus Division/Department Manager (DM) Operational Roles
17. MSA credentialing
The Department of Medical Staff Affairs (MSA) at UCSF Medical Center & Benioff Children’s Hospital (SF Campus) develops, manages, performs, and directly supports governance, credentialing/privileging, and payer enrollment activities related to nearly 3,000 Medical Staff and Advanced Health Practitioner (AHP) members, and hundreds of other providers who rely on the program’s electronic and paperless credentialing system - UC Me. What are the steps to credentialing a new faculty hire?
18. Clinical activity
For outpatient care, inpatient activity, and apex coach.
198. Recommendations for other clinical IT tools for new DMs
The Health System routinely develops and refines a set of clinical dashboards, some of which may be applicable to your division.
20. Training & development, societies, conferences, medicine and divisional specialties
What are the opportunities for development and networking for clinical managers?
21. UC Learning - RSA010 Introduction to Faculty Compensation
This course teaches learners about the basics of faculty compensation in order to better assist post-award analysts with managing payroll and financial projections for their PIs. You will learn about the components of pay, as well as faculty series and rank.