There are incredible resources available to UC staff members provided by a variety of departments and colleagues. We have compiled a set of resources listed below in order to make it easier for staff members in the Department of Medicine. Please feel free to share resources to add to the list by e-mailing Aaron Tabacco.
Professional Development Opportunities (click blue headings below to expand)
Department of Medicine
Academic Officers' and Analysts' Roundtable Meetings: On a bi-monthly basis, the Academic Officers and Analysts in the DOM come together for lunchtime professional development focused on both hard and soft skills, coupled with networking activities, that support their immediate and long term career goals. Contact Aaron Tabacco for more information.
CRC Roundtable Meetings: On a monthly basis the Clinical Research Coordinators meet at UCSF Mission Bay for professional development related to clinical research best practices, legal updates, and UCSF policies. Contact Natalie Nardone at [email protected] for more information.
Topic-based Workshops: On a quarterly basis the DOM offers a training for all staff within the department targeted on a pertinent topic as idenfitied through the Gallup Survey, DOM surveys, and a steering committee. Contact Aaron Tabacco for more information.
Research Fund Analysts: On a bi-monthly basis, the Research Fund Analysts come together for professional development and updates on changing policies and business practices. Contact Jon Rueter at [email protected] for more information.
Brand Resources: A one-stop shop for all of your brand needs - from messaging to design to photography. Download the brand standards, templates, posters, PowerPoint, and more!
Brand Training: Is available through UC Learning and Development, providing an overview of the UCSF brand, why it's improtant, and how you can use it to connect to your most important audiences. Note: Through MyAccess, go to UC Learning Center and search for "brand training."
Brand Photography Library: UCSF provides free photos and logos for your posters and presentations that are on-brand images, cleared for use by the UCSF community.
Diversity and Inclusion Staff Certificate Program: Focuses on exploring foundational concepts essential to enhancing an inclusive work environment through lecture, experiential and independent activities. Participants may explore their own backgrounds to deepen their understanding on stereotypes and biases and learn the tools to support a more inclusive climate.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Champion Training: A free, one day program, designed to increase awareness and skills for clinical teachers so that they can address bias and discrimination when and where it happens.
Campus Management Practice Series: Is offered to UCSF Directors, Managers, and Supervisors who are newly hired or internally promoted to their first supervisory/management role. The series aims at facilitating leaders’ transition into their new roles by providing vital information regarding UCSF's policies, procedures and best practices.
Learning & Organization Development Office: This team's purpose is to enhance the success of UCSF by supporting the growth and development of its most valuable resource, its people, and create a continuous learning environment. Check out there website for comprehensive learning opprotunities.
Leading the Frontline: Enhances the effectiveness and engagement of frontline leaders with a focus on UCSF competencies. Provides frontline leaders the information and tools needed to strengthen team performance and achieve greater success.
Manager Effectiveness Online Certificate: Is a set of e-courses aimed at enhancing professional effectiveness for UCSF employees with supervisory/management responsibilities including current frontline supervisors and managers or those new to their role.
Office of Clinical Research: Supports in-person, eLearning, and webinar-based courses for UCSF Clinical Research Coordinators (CRCs). The eLearning modules are available at any time, and in-person and webinar-based courses are offered periodically throughout the year. All courses are free of charge.
Professional Staff Development Program: Through in-class activities, discussions, assessments, and on-the-job assignments you will acquire the knowledge and develop the skills to identify your strengths as well as opportunities for improvement in order to grow professionally.
Skillsoft Online Course Catalog: Provides thousands of free, e-courses that can enhance your job skills and effectiveness. Certifications in Project Management, IT, SHRM available!
Software Training Courses: Offers a variety of online and in-person trainings for all skill levels on Microsoft products.
Staff Effectiveness Online Certificate: Is a set of e-courses aimed at enhancing professional effectiveness for non-supervisory employees at UCSF new to professional development and those seeking to refresh their skills and knowledge.
UC Oracles Toastmasters: Provides a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop outstanding communication and leadership skills, fostering self-confidence and personal growth.
University of California
My UC Career: This online development portal is available to all UC employees seeking to advance their career. Six self-paced modules help employees discover their internal UC career mobility options, highlight accomplishments and identify how they can achieve their career goals within UC.
UC-CORO Systemwide Leadership Collaborative: program focuses on the benefits of inter-campus and cross functional involvement to enhance leadership skills and foster relationships, networking, and collaboration across UC.
UC Learning Center: Online platform where UC employees register for training, download their training transcript, and access hundreds of instructor-led and eLearning activities including compliance, technical, soft skills, and SkillSoft based courses.
UC People Management Series and Certificate: Develped by the UC Office of the President, this course is for current supervisors and frontline managers or those new to their management role.
UC Women’s Initiative for Professional Development (UC WI): Is an experiential professional development program designed to elevate women in leadership at the university and is sponsored by the President’s Office and the Systemwide Advisory Committee on the Status of Women for women who are mid-career and demonstrate the potential to advance their careers at UC.
Staff Communities
Department of Medicine
Academic Officers and Analysts
Clinical Research Coordinators
Fellowship Coordinators
Research Fund Analysts
Administrative Management Professionals (AMP): Promotes outstanding administration through advocacy, education, communication and outreach. We foster a cohesive and influential administrative community by gathering and disseminating information and by providing career development and networking opportunities for our membership.
Asian Pacific American Systemwide Alliance (APASA): Addresses issues impacting Asian Pacific Americans at UCSF.
Black Caucus: Dedicated to the political and social well-being of African American staff at UCSF.
Chicano Latino Campus Association (CLCA): Seeks to address issues affecting the climate, health, and livelihood of the Chicano/Latino community at UCSF.
Clinical Research Coordinators Council: Serves as an ongoing forum for networking and resource sharing within the clinical research community here at UCSF. The group is lead by a Council comprised of representatives from a variety of departments.
Committee on Disability Issues: Focuses on policies, programs, and procedures, and serves as a coordinating body to increase accessibility for disability groups or individuals.
Committee on LGBT Issues: Examines issues related to biases and discrimination on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Committee on the Status of Women: Recommends changes in equity and fair access to campus programs and activities to promote the advancement of women at UCSF.
Communicators' Network: Is a forum to connect with communications colleagues, learn best practices, and share resources.
Council on Campus Climate, Culture and Inclusion (4CI): Advises on the work related to the Chancellor's Pillar of Equity and Inclusion.
Council on Campus Climate, Culture and Inclusion (4CI) Staff Subcommittee: Promotes an inclusive and equitable climate for UCSF staff, and recommends changes that impact underrepresented staff groups.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center: Provides a visible presence on campus and enhances a sense of connection and community among queer faculty, staff, students, trainees, and patients. We aim to create a welcoming environment by providing support services, resources, programs, advocacy, training, education and consultation to all members of the UCSF community.
Multicultural Resource Center: This Center aims to nurture our diverse UCSF community through programs, events, and trainings.
Staff Assembly: Serves an advisory function on matters of staff concern to the Chancellor of UCSF. The Assembly's mission is both to enhance communication among our members and to advise the chancellor and campus administrators, with whom we have regular meetings.
Women in Technology: Info coming soon!
Veteran Support Services: Is here to help our student veterans and military service members navigate UCSF and provide them with a welcoming space, mentoring from other veterans, guidance on educational benefits, and tools to succeed both academically and personally.
Staff Benefits and Perks
Scholarship Opportunities
Staff Assembly Scholarship Program: The scholarship award amount is $300. Scholarships are awarded twice annually. Scholarships are available to career (50% or greater full-time employment), non-represented, non-union, PPSM policy-covered staff who have completed probation.
WINGS Employee Development Grants: The WINGS Program offers professional development support for SOM staff employees. The goal of the program is to support educational activities which aid in developing skills and knowledge that prepare career staff employees for career growth within the University. Please be aware that the WINGS Program is intended to provide grant awards for the acquisition of skills and knowledge which go above and beyond the basic requirements of an employee's current position.
Staff Welfare
Campus Life Services: Through their motto "Our motto is to “make life better here [at UCSF]" this department offers extensive perks including discount programs, housing and lodging information, childcare and family programs, fitness memberships, and much more!
CARE Advocacy Resources & Education: Provides free, confidential support to any UCSF affiliate including students, staff, faculty, post docs and researchers who have experienced interpersonal violence such as sexual assault, dating/intimate partner violence, sexual harassment or stalking.
Faculty & Staff Assistance Program: Offers short-term confidential and free individual counseling and organizational consultation for all faculty, staff, residents, postdocs, clinical fellows.
Family Services: Family Services offers essential services and resources to help meet the diverse needs of UCSF faculty. Family support services include UCSF on-site child care centers, the child care referral service, Sittercity, Years Ahead, a lactation accommodation program, and back-up child and adult care for eligible faculty.
Fidelity Retirement Services: Provides the recordkeeping, communications, and financial education for UC employees for the 403(b), 457(b), and the DC Plan.
Office of the Ombuds: Provides confidential, informal (off-the-record) and impartial problem-solving services in response to any workplace concern or complaint.
Stress Free UC: The Stress Free UCSF Study, led by research faculty in the Department of Psychiatry, is a campus initiative to reduce stress in UCSF employees. The goal of Stress Free UC is to encourage the practice of daily stress reduction among employees and further enhance our UC community. Participants receive a one-year subscription to the digital mindfulness application, Headspace, and participation is all online.
Additional Resources
Clinical Research Resources Hub: The HUB is a virtual Clinical Research Resource that provides a single portal to a wealth of resources, expertise, and best practices for investigators and research staff to facilitate efficient, compliant and ethical study conduct and management.
Office of Diversity and Outreach: Provides leadership for diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in recruiting, hiring, and promotion of faculty. The office’s work is focused in the areas of outreach, education, training and compliance where it provides resources to faculty in the areas of Affirmative Action, disability and sexual harassment. In addition, the office supports the creation of a climate of inclusion through a variety of events and diversity dialogues.
UCSF Accelerate Research Resources: Research Navigation Services helps UCSF faculty and staff find the resources and information they need and helps integrate research infrastructure at UCSF.
Department of Medicine
SPIRIT of Department of Medicine Award: The SPIRIT (Staff, Professionalism, Inspiration, Responsibility, Integrity, and Teamwork) of DOM Award aims to recognize two staff members, twice a year who exemplify the Department’s values, PRIDE Values, and make the DOM and UCSF a better place to work.
ZSFG Staff Patient Care Staff Award: Recognizes a staff member who demonstrates excellence working and communicating with patients. This staff member exhibits concern and care for patients, while at the same time working efficiently to assist them with their needs.
ZSFG Administrative Support Staff Award: Department of Medicine will honor a staff member who contributes to our mission through their exception dedication, initiative, motivation, positive attitude, customer service and passion about their work.
ZSFG Staff Excellence in Leadership: Recognizes a supervisor who – through outstanding leadership – enhances staff morale, builds an enriching work environment, and supports the career development of their staff.
Chancellor Awards: Given to staff, faculty, and trainees in who work tirelessly towards our commitment to research, patient care, and education, as well as demonstrate a strong dedication to advancing health, community, and diversity.
- Advancement of Women: Recognizes exceptional efforts toward the advancement of women at UCSF beyond the scope of an individual's job, area of research, or student training.
- Disability Service: Recognizes exceptional leadership beyond the scope of an individual’s job, area of research, or student training in furthering the goal of achieving awareness and equity for the disabled community within the UCSF community.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Leadership: Recognizes exceptional leadership beyond the scope of an individual's job, area of research, or student training in furthering the goal of achieving greater ethnic diversity at UCSF.
- Exceptional University Service: Recognizes exceptional individual service contributions to UCSF by staff members who demonstrate outstanding dedication to the betterment of UCSF, devoting time as well as energy to serve the campus community.
- LGBTQI Leadership: Recognizes exceptional leadership efforts and contributions to the advancement of LGBTQI people and communities at UCSF beyond the scope of an individual's job, area of research, or academic training.
- Public Service: Recognizes individuals who have demonstrated outstanding public service beyond the scope of their job, area of research, or training.
Great People Award—School of Medicine: Recognizes employees whose daily contributions highlight the great diversity of work within the School of Medicine and honors employees whose commitment and values make their jobs a positive experience and the School of Medicine a great place to work.
Holly Smith Award for Exceptional Service to the School of Medicine: Given to two staff in recognition of exceptional career service that has resulted in broad and long-lasting benefit to the School of Medicine.
Recognize UCSF: Is an online platform for UCSF employees to send a digital card or e-mail to a colleague that is CC'd to the colleague's supervisor.
Staff Appreciation and Recognition Program (STAR Program): Is a recognition program designed to honor and reward excellence in University service, significant achievements and contributions, and/or outstanding individual and team performance, which consists of two components:
- Achievement Award: Recognizes sustained, exceptional performance and/or significant contributions from an employee(s) over an extended period AND are the focus of this communication. The recognition amount is $5,000, or up to 10% of base salary, whichever is lower.
- SPOT Award: Represents just-in-time recognition and are determined locally. SPOT Awards are administered by each department, so please refer to your department communications for more details. The recognition amount is $1,000, or up to 10% of base salary, whichever is lower.