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The Department of Medicine requires that each faculty member have an annual formal meeting with his/her division chief (or designee) to discuss performance, goals for the coming year, and career planning. We believe that it is beneficial to our faculty and our department to provide this opportunity for explicit feedback, guidance, and mentoring.
All faculty members with a paid UC appointment and/or faculty members who are affiliated with UCSF (e.g., VAMC, HHMI, Gladstone) are included in this process. Faculty members who have emeritus status or who are strictly volunteers (e.g., volunteer clinical faculty) are exempt from this process.
In order to inform activity and budget planning for the next fiscal year, for Parn/MZ/ ZSFG-based faculty, these meetings are typically completed by the end of April. For VA-based faculty, these are done in September/October to coincide with VA reviews. Your division chief or vice chair will send out more information about your division's deadline and process.
Because feedback and mentoring are such important issues, several specific initiatives have been undertaken to formalize these processes:
- We expect that each faculty member will have a formal meeting with his or her division chief (or designee). At that time, this web-based from should be completed, reviewed, and jointly approved by the faculty member and the division chief (or designee).
- Please note that a prerequisite for your meeting is for you to prepare and comprehensively update your curriculum vitae (CV), as per the UCSF Advance system format.
- The additional information suggested by the Academy of Medical Educators should be included in your CV if you wish to be considered for nomination to the Academy.
- Additional information about the scope of your creative activities, including outside funding sources, if appropriate should be included if you are presently in the Clinical series and wish to be considered for the Clinical X series.
- If you have any questions about the Advance CV format, please contact your assigned HR Academic Generalist.
Some suggested topics for your annual career planning conference:
- How to balance teaching, research, clinical activities, and Departmental and University service.
- Teaching: percent effort, level (medical students, housestaff, fellows, etc.), student and peer evaluations. Faculty members are encouraged to obtain teaching evaluations from the E*Value system, including relative rankings among department members. Instructions on how to access the E*Value teaching evaluations is provided on the Individual Faculty Review Form.
- Clinical Activities: percent effort, whether faculty member's clinical and research activities are related, collaborations.
- Research: percent effort, publications (journal selection, authorship issues), how to develop collaborations, grant support, participation at professional meetings, national visibility, space and facilities, grant writing.
- University and public service: percent effort, committee assignments, leadership training.
- Miscellaneous: what things may be getting in the way of academic advancement, nonacademic and personal issues.
- Plan for the following year: constructive criticism and feedback about current year; suggestions regarding possible rearrangement of time spent in teaching, research, clinical care, and university and public service; comments on likelihood that level of performance and balance of activities will lead to academic advancement.
- Salary structure, review, renegotiation and future funding sources for upcoming academic year.
Some additional reminders:
- Your meeting should include a description of your general responsibilities for the current academic year.
- Individual faculty at the assistant and associate professor ranks may also contact their chief of service, who will arrange for a supplementary individual mentor or mentoring group. Some divisions already provide opportunities for one-on-one mentoring. The Department is in the process of establishing other voluntary one-on-one mentoring and coaching opportunities for sets of faculty with specific career issues or goals.
- Faculty will also be asked to attend a career information session at several steps during their careers: at the time of hiring, after four years on the faculty, at the time of proposal or final eligibility for promotion to Associate Professor, at the time of eligibility for on-time promotion to Professor, and at the time of eligibility for on-time promotion to Professor VI or Professor Above Scale, or at the time of a special 5-year review.
- Lastly, a reminder that the Department of Medicine, like all academic departments, operates under the policy and procedures of the Academic Personnel Manual (see: http://www.ucop.edu/academicpersonnel/index.html). However, in interpreting these policies and procedures, several departmental expectations and standards also apply. Please review the DOM Guidelines for Promotion.